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Alteration Magic Circle
(Open To All Professions)

Armor Aura
Spell Description: This spell offers the caster or a single target increased protection from physical attacks. It may fail to improve the defenses of a highly armored individual.

Elemental Shield
Spell Description: This spell offers the caster or a single target increased protection from elemental attacks. It may fail to improve the defenses of some individuals.

Psi Shield
Spell Description: This spell offers the caster or a single target increased protection from psionic attacks. It may fail to improve the defenses of some individuals.

Static Cloak
Prerequisite Spells: Elemental Shield
Spell Description: When this spell is in use, those who attack the target with physical attacks will be jolted by electrical force.

Siphon Vigor
Spell Description: This spell allows the caster to drain stamina from and cause fatigue in a target, while invigorating themselves.

Blood Siphon
Spell Description: This spell allows the caster to drain health from a target.

Thin Skin
Prerequisite Spells: Armor Aura
Spell Description: The affect target of this spell will be more susceptible to physical attacks.

Charged Field
Prerequisite Spells: Elemental Shield
Spell Description: The affect target of this spell will be more susceptible to elemental attacks.

Mental Lapse
Prerequisite Spells: Psi Shield
Spell Description: The affect target of this spell will be more susceptible to psionic attacks.

Dampening Field
Prerequisite Spells: Charged Field
Spell Description: At times a truly useful spell indeed, this incantation will reduce the target's ability to use magic.

Prerequisite Spells: Mental Lapse
Spell Description: The target of this spell will find themselves less able to use psionic abilities effectively.

Fortify Legion
Prerequisite Spells: Armor Aura
Spell Research Skill: 50
Spell Description: An improvement on the Armor Aura spell, this fortifying spell will protect the caster and his or her group from physical attacks.

Shield Legion
Prerequisite Spells: Elemental Shield
Spell Research Skill: 50
Spell Description: An improvement on the Elemental Shield spell, this fortifying spell will protect the caster and his or her group from elemental attacks.

Protect Legion
Prerequisite Spells: Psi Shield
Spell Research Skill: 50
Spell Description: An improvement on the Psi Shield spell, this fortifying spell will protect the caster and his or her group from psionic attacks.

Weaken Legion
Prerequisite Spells: Thin Skin
Spell Research Skill: 60
Spell Description: This spell will affect a mass of targets, weakening their physical defense.

Imperil Legion
Prerequisite Spells: Charged Field
Spell Research Skill: 60
Spell Description: This spell will affect a mass of targets, weakening their elemental defense.

Distract Legion
Prerequisite Spells: Mental Lapse
Spell Research Skill: 60
Spell Description: This spell will affect a mass of targets, weakening their psionic defense.

Spell Description: Use of this spell allows the caster to transfer some of their mana to another.

Spell Description: Use of this spell allows the caster to transfer some of their health to another.

Spell Description: Use of this spell allows the caster to transfer some of their stamina to another.

Elemental Magic Circle
(Open To All Professions)

Icy Aura
Spell Description: This spell will attack a single target with a cloud of chilling air.

Flame Wave
Spell Description: This spell will attack a single target with a wave of searing heat.

Lightning Bolt
Spell Description: This spell will attack a single target with a bolt of electricity.

Green Haze
Spell Description: This spell will attack a single target with a cloud of acid particles.

Inner Chill
Prerequisite Spells: Icy Aura
Spell Description: The target of this spell will suffer internal injuries caused by extreme cold.

Blood Boil
Prerequisite Spells: Flame Wave
Spell Description: The target of this spell will suffer internal injuries caused by extreme heat.

Synapse Snap
Prerequisite Spells: Lightning Bolt
Spell Description: The target of this spell will suffer internal injuries caused by an electrical jolt.

Acid Influx
Prerequisite Spells: Green Haze
Spell Description: The target of this spell will suffer internal injuries caused by acid.

Chilling Wind
Prerequisite Spells: Inner Chill
Spell Description: The target of this spell will suffer cold damage repeatedly over time.

Flame Pillar
Prerequisite Spells: Blood Boil
Spell Description: The target of this spell will suffer heat damage repeatedly over time.

Call Storm
Prerequisite Spells: Synapse Snap
Spell Description: The target of this spell will suffer electrical damage repeatedly over time.

Prerequisite Spells: Acid Influx
Spell Description: The spell will eat at the target's flesh over time with acid.

Prerequisite Spells: Chilling Wind
Spell Description: This powerful spell will injure several targets at once with a cold attack.

Fire Wheel
Prerequisite Spells: Flame Pillar
Spell Description: This powerful spell will injure several targets at once with a heat attack.

Chain Lightning
Prerequisite Spells: Call Storm
Spell Description: This powerful spell will injure several targets at once with an electrical attack.

Acid Cloud
Prerequisite Spells: Disintegrate
Spell Description: This powerful spell will injure several targets at once with an acid cloud.

Prerequisite Spells: Frostbite
Spell Description: This spell will injure several targets repeatedly over time with a cold attack.

Fire Rain
Prerequisite Spells: Fire Wheel
Spell Description: This spell will injure several targets repeatedly over time with a heat attack.

Prerequisite Spells: Chain Lightning
Spell Description: This spell will injure several targets repeatedly over time with an electrical attack.

Acid Rain
Prerequisite Spells: Acid Cloud
Spell Description: This spell will injure several targets repeatedly over time with an acid attack.

Time & Space Magic Circle
(Mage Profession Only)

Prerequisite Spells:
Spell Description: Living objects affected by this spell will find their size and weight dramatically reduced for some time.

Spell Description: Living objects affected by this spell will find their size and weight dramatically increased for some time.

Prerequisite Spells: Shrink
Spell Description: Non-living objects affected by this spell will find their weight dramatically reduced for some time.

Prerequisite Spells: Grow
Spell Description: Non-living objects affected by this spell will find their weight dramatically increased for some time.

Spell Research Skill: 20
Spell Description: The caster of this spell will be able to cast more fluidly and quickly for a period of time.

Prerequisite Spells: Proficiency
Spell Research Skill: 40
Spell Description: The caster of this spell will find spellcasting to be less draining for a period of time, allowing them to cast more often.

Amplify Stars
Spell Description: This strange incantation will improve visibility at night by amplifying the light received from stars when outside.

Astral Seam
Spell Description: This spell will allow the caster to teleport to one of a number of locations if Aroai, Ilafai or the sun are visible.

Spell Description: The use of this spell will allow the caster to teleport to a random arcane beacon if Aroai is present in the sky.

Gravity Well
Spell Description: Creates a point of intense gravity, drawing any creatures that are aggressive toward the caster toward it.

Prerequisite Spells: Amplify Stars
Spell Description: The target of this spell will become invisible, however, sudden actions and movements can cause the target to become visible.

Crimson Path
Prerequisite Spells: Proficiency, Crimson Seam
Spell Description: The use of this spell will allow the caster and his or her group to teleport to the closest magic focus if Ilav is present in the sky.

Azure Path
Prerequisite Spells: Proficiency, Azure Seam
Spell Description: The use of this spell will allow the caster and his or her group to teleport to the closest magic focus if Jadda is present in the sky.

Golden Path
Prerequisite Spells: Proficiency, Golden Seam
Spell Description: The use of this spell will allow the caster and his or her group to teleport to the closest magic focus if the sun is present in the sky.

Mask Legion
Prerequisite Spells: Mastery, Invisibility
Spell Description: The target of this spell and his or her group will become invisible, however, sudden actions and movements can cause the spell to fail.

Prerequisite Spells: Shrink, Grow
Spell Description: The caster of this spell will experience a change in their body that slows the rate of blood loss from injury.

Prerequisite Spells: Crimson Seam, Azure Seam
Spell Description: The caster of this spell will transport themselves to a number of possible locations of choice.

Prerequisite Spells: Teleport
Spell Description: The caster of this spell will teleport out of engagement range but remain in the immediate location.

Magus Bridge
Prerequisite Spells: Crimson Path, Azure Path, Golden Path, Teleport
Spell Description: The caster of this spell will transport themselves and their group to a number of possible locations of choice.

Plane Travel
Prerequisite Spells: Magus Bridge
Spell Description: Casting this spell creates a temporary place of safety on another plane, and teleports the caster and group into the safehaven.

Summoning Magic Circle
(Mage Profession Only)

Summon Globe
Spell Description: This spell creates a temporary globe of light that can be used to illuminate the area.

Summon Crystal
Spell Description: This spell creates a temporary crystal that will drain the area of light.

Call Fog
Spell Description: This spell causes a dense fog to roll into the area, limiting vision for a time.

Call Breeze
Spell Description: Casting this spell will send a strong breeze into the area, dissipating fog, fumes and clouds.

Summon Animal
Spell Research Skill: 50
Spell Description: This spell will summon a random animal into the caster's location. The animal is actually teleported into the area, and therefore must be a living species generally native to the area.

Summon Familiar
Prerequisite Spells: Summon Animal
Spell Research Skill: 100
Spell Description: This spell summons a familiar, an animal or being of magical nature that may follow a number of simple commands.

Summon Beast
Prerequisite Spells: Summon Familiar
Spell Research Skill: 150
Spell Description: This spell summons a powerful beast generally native to the area, which will follow simple commands and is generally used for protection.

Summon Elemental
Prerequisite Spells: Summon Beast
Spell Research Skill: 200
Spell Description: This spell summons a powerful elemental, a being of air, earth, water or fire with strong combat ability.

Summoner's Shield
Prerequisite Spells: Summon Animal
Spell Description: Any summoned animal, familiar, beast or elemental may receive physical protection by use of this spell.

Summoner's Might
Prerequisite Spells: Summon Animal
Spell Description: Any summoned animal, familiar, beast or elemental may receive an increase in strength and vitality by use of this spell.

Summoner's Gift
Prerequisite Spells: Summon Animal
Spell Description: Any summoned animal, familiar, beast or elemental may receive an increase in intellect and mentality by use of this spell.

Summoner's Motivation
Prerequisite Spells: Summon Animal
Spell Description: Any summoned animal, familiar, beast or elemental may receive an increase in agility and coordination by use of this spell.

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